
Songs for Kids to Grow On!

As For Me

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Topics: Trust, Purity, Service, Family, Commitment

Verse 1
When the waves roll in, I will trust the One who made the wind.
When the storms begin, yes, I will set my course, and I'll not give in!

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord with a pure heart and faithfully.
Today we stand to make a pledge, a pledge with all our hearts, that forevermore we will serve the Lord.

Verse 2
When I feel alone, I will remember all the love He's shown.
When my strength is gone, He'll come to life me up, and I will go on.

Lord, be the center of our home; come make our hearts Your throne.

© 1999 John H. Morton, admin. by Music Precedent, Ltd. All rights reserved.

John H. Morton

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