
Songs for Kids to Grow On!

8 Back-to-School Songs for Work & Friendship

By Aria on Aug 04, 2017 in Education - 0 Comments

girl blowing a bubble

It’s nearing the time of crisp notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils and all of the excited-wondering feelings of starting a new school year.  As you are preparing the kids in your life for another new season, here are some songs to sing that will encourage them to be people of character in their relationships and work.

Making New Friends


Many New Friends 

“Find a hand and shake it! Find a back and pat it! Find a pal and hug ‘em real big. God gives us many good friends…”


A Good Friend 

“Jesus is my best friend. I love Him, and He loves me. God gives us friends to love us and help us. A good friend loves all the time.”


How Do We Love Other People

“We forgive; we are kind; we are helpful. This is showing love. We will give; we will share; we will show we care. Then they’ll know it’s love…”



“Together we learn. Together we give. Together we pray. And together we care…”


colored pencils in a cup

Working Out of Love for Jesus


Whatever You Do In Word or Deed

“Giving thanks to God, the Father, through Jesus, working hard with all your heart, You are working for the Lord and not man. Let all that you do be in the name of the Lord.”


Friends of Jesus

“Friends of Jesus are helpful. Friends of Jesus work hard. Friends of Jesus will pray and share God’s love…”


We Will Serve

“What do you think of when you hear the word “serve?”
(Is it a waitress or a valet parker at the curb?)
What do you think of when you hear the word “serve?”
(I think of tennis or soft ice cream with a swirl.)”



“We’re building character with Jesus, ‘cause that will honor God. So pardon the dirt, we’ll continue our work on our C-H-A-R-A-C-T-E-R.”



How do you prepare the kids in your ministry or home for the start of another school year? What are some of their concerns and how do you address them? 

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Aria is in charge of content at KidTunz and loves connecting people with resources that will propel them toward their goals. When she's not hanging out at community events or writing about effective nonprofits, she enjoys drawing birds, hip-hop dancing and meeting people for coffee.

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